El Primer Jardinero / The First Gardener

Dir. Jan Čapar
Cortometraje animado
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

La búsqueda de comida y refugio de una chica solitaria en un mundo distópico y desolado rápidamente se convierte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y transformación al darse cuenta de que forma parte del mundo inhóspito con el que lucha. Una chica solitaria huye de su hogar sin amor y comienza su búsqueda de comida y refugio en un mundo distópico e inhóspito. Durante su búsqueda, se enfrenta solo al rechazo y la indiferencia de sus habitantes egocéntricos, que viven aislados entre sí. En sus temerosas interacciones con el mundo, se da cuenta de que es parte del problema y que, para conectarse, debe superar sus propios miedos para poder abrir su corazón y dar al mundo lo que ella misma busca.

The search for food and shelter of a lonely girl in a dystopian and broken world quickly turns into a journey of self-discovery and transformation as she notices that she is part of the unwelcoming world she struggles with. A lonely girl runs away from her unloving home and begins her search for food and shelter in an unwelcoming and dystopian world. During her search she faces nothing but rejection and indifference from its self-centered inhabitants which live isolated from each other. In her fearful interactions with the world she realizes that she is part of the problem and that in order to connect she has to overcome her own fears to be able to open up her heart and give the world that which she herself seeks.